When I received an email from Jo asking me to send her some high resolution pictures to be featured in an Australian lifestyle magazine, I had no idea that this feature will lead to massive migration of my Fokses to Down Under. One of my Australian customers, who got to know about Celapiu from the magazine wrote to me: "Frankie is very popular here. Maybe not as much as gossip magazines, but very popular among crafty types". And so, when I found a copy in my letterbox I could clearly see why. First of all, Frankie is a pleasure to touch; printed on thick matt paper, even the cover has a non-glossy, satin finish. The layout and graphic design is very simple and clean, not dragging your attention away from the content. And the content itself? Frankie is mostly about design, music, art and fashion, but a relaxed, indie, creative and anti-glamour side to it. I love it this way!
February 28, 2011
February 15, 2011
Joel and Clementine
He is a permanently depressed, withdrawn guy, who finds it difficult to cope with life. She is a rebellious misfit, so extrovertic and impulsive, that it seems she has no control over hers. They could not have been more different, which after 2-years together turns their relationship sour. It is only after having all their memories of each other earased, that they realize how much they had lost. Brilliant "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" by one of my favourite filmmakers Michel Gondry tells a story about the need of love being stronger than all the habits and disfunctions we bring into our relationships. Comforting in this neurotic era, isn't it?
Thanks everyone for sharing your favourite movie couples, it was fun to do this! Now I have to see "Harold and Maude" (thanks Simona), but for tonight I will probably go with "Eternal Sunshine" for a 3 (or 4) time. Oh, and the special V-day gift goes to Natalia, of course. Another thing that makes the movie worth watching again is this absolutely heartbreaking tune by Beck:
Autor: Celina /
February 9, 2011
Knitting with Nylon

If you compare the concept or style of your work to a movie, what would it be?
Now, this was a tough one - I realized (and deeply regreted) I wasn't either a Kubric nor an Altman ("Shortcuts"!). I finally ended up saying "Fith Element", only to realize seconds after submitting the answers, that I am anything by Michel Gondry. How could I forget!?! Oh well, I didn't have any doubts when it came to answering this one:
If you can present your product to anyone on Earth, who would you want to give it as a gift?
A teenage dream eventually coming true and I can see HER on stage at concert, singing her lungs and heart out in MY piece. Not just "a product", but an absolutely unique, custom made outfit. A note attached to the package I hand her would say:
"Thank you for inspiring me, Björk".
P.S. - http://www.d-e-f-i-n-i-t-e-l-y.com/
~ I've always thought it was "definately" !

P.S. - http://www.d-e-f-i-n-i-t-e-l-y.com/
~ I've always thought it was "definately" !
January 18, 2011
Felt Fokses ON SALE!

Overseas customers please check the range here: http://www.etsy.com/shop/celapiu , Polish customers are welcome here: http://www.celapiu.pl/s/

September 13, 2010
May 18, 2010
Yes, we too sold our souls to Mark Zuckerberg

We have set up Facebook fanpage to communicate with our fans and customers better. Clicking "Like" button will allow you to receive all sorts of updates from Celapiu: new designs, blog posts, media features and special deals. We will also have a give-aways from time to time! Visit our fanpage is here.
March 26, 2010
(Shopping) Guide: Poland

February 26, 2010
January 11, 2010
December 29, 2009
Urban Outfitters (yay!) blogged about Celapiu

December 20, 2009
November 30, 2009
Foksy Scarves in Japan

The expansion of species spreads around the world! In this picture you can see lovely Shan Shan - also known as Dadaya - a crafter and style blogger from Osaka, Japan. Shan Shan, among other accessories like self-made beret and famous bag, is wearing a long Ginger Foks from Celapiu. Perfect outfit to make fall a bit sunnier!
To see more work by Shan Shan, including the trademark toadstool berets, vistit her shop here.
October 29, 2009
Celapiu w Dilemmas

October 16, 2009
Celapiu w Wysokich Obcasach

Sfotografowane projekty dostępne w naszym sklepie.
October 8, 2009
(nareszcie) Nowa kolekcja i ...nowy sklep!

Jako pierwsze prezentujemy nowe Foksy - w nowych kolorach i wielkościach, pięknie sfotografowane podczas naszej ostatniej sesji w bardzo zróżnicowanych stylizacjach. Jako uzupełnienie tej kolekcji proponujemy rękawiczki i mitenki, wśród których znajdziecie parę premierowych modeli, z których jesteśmy szczególnie dumni.
A teraz niespodzianka i zarazem wyjaśnienie przyczyny opóźnienia: na degustację zapraszamy do naszego nowego, świeżo otwartego sklepu internetowego! Mamy nadzieje, że przeglądanie i zamawianie naszych projektów będzie teraz jeszcze łatwiejsze i wygodniejsze, a poprzez możliwość dokonywania płatności on-line czas realizacji będzie jeszcze krótszy niż do tej pory.
Na wszystkich, którzy odwiedzą sklep Celapiu w najbliższych dniach i będa na tyle dociekliwi, by poszperać nawet wśród najdalszych sklepowych półek, czeka nagroda w postaci przedsmaków nowych linii akcesoriów, które będziemy stopniowo wprowadzać do sprzedaży tej jesieni i zimy. Warto też trzymać rękę na pulsie, ponieważ prawie codziennie będzie się pojawiać w sklepie jakaś nowość!
Sklep Celapiu: http://www.celapiu.pl/s/

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